
Consultations covering every aspect of the pool design process.

Our primary objective is ensuring customer satisfaction.

Each project kicks off with a site visit alongside our clients, engaging in in-depth discussions and exploration of various approaches and solutions. Essential factors taken into account encompass the preferred pool types, specific functionalities, user volume, location characteristics, and owner preferences. Prioritising safety, we carefully choose systems and equipment based on space availability and practicality.

At the core of the pool, the filtration system is crucial and must meet high standards. We focus on selecting systems with efficient filtration cycles and maintenance demands, underscoring our commitment to safety and quality.

Overflow Pool (Perimeter Overflow or Deck Level Pool):

An overflow pool, also known as a perimeter overflow pool or deck level pool, is a type of swimming pool design where the water level is equal to or slightly above the pool's surrounding deck. This design creates a visually stunning effect, as the water appears to overflow the edges, creating a seamless and continuous surface. The overflowing water is collected in a catch basin or trough and recirculated back into the pool.

It's worth noting that while overflow pools offer many advantages, they also come with certain challenges, including higher construction and maintenance costs. The design requires proper engineering to ensure effective water drainage and recirculation. Additionally, the catch basin needs regular cleaning to prevent clogs and maintain the pool's visual appeal.

Infinity pool

Infinity Pool

An infinity pool, also known as a vanishing edge, negative edge, or zero edge pool, is a type of swimming pool design that creates the visual illusion of water extending to the horizon, seemingly without a visible edge. The key feature of an infinity pool is its overflow design, where the water level overflows over one or more edges, producing a continuous and seamless connection with the surrounding landscape.

Infinity pools have gained popularity for their stunning visual appeal and the luxurious experience they provide. While they are commonly associated with upscale settings, the concept of the infinity pool can be adapted to different environments and scales, making it a versatile and attractive design option.

Skimmer pool

A skimmer pool is a type of swimming pool that uses a skimmer as part of its water circulation and filtration system. Skimmer pools are among the most common and traditional pool designs, particularly in residential settings. The skimmer is a device built into the side of the pool, and its primary function is to skim debris from the water's surface.

While skimmer pools are a traditional and widely used design, there are other types of pool circulation systems, such as overflow pools, in-floor cleaning systems, and more advanced filtration methods. The choice of pool design often depends on factors such as budget, maintenance preferences, and the desired aesthetic. Skimmer pools, however, remain a popular and practical choice for many residential pool owners.

Within the Poolnologies group of companies and partners, we have over 200 years of combined experience and together we are committed to excellence in pool operations and inspections which helps us stand out in the industry.

Constructing a swimming pool is a significant decision that isn't easily changed. It's always wise to do some research or seek advice from experts before diving in. If you have any questions or need guidance on your dream pool project, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to help!