Our Freshwater Pool system makes your swimming pool clean enough to pass most of the world’s drinking water standards


Our NatureSwim™ Freshwater Pool System is able to clean your pool using highly innovative technology, that has previously been used for hundreds of years until the use of chlorine became prevalent.

With the NatureSwim™ freshwater pool system you don’t need to worry about adding Chlorine, Bromine or any other chemicals in your pool.
We use low DC current that passes through the copper & silver rods, Copper prevents algae growth and silver prevents bacteria in the water. The low DC current on the titanium plates oxidizes the water which makes it 100 times stronger than chlorine and 1000 times faster at killing bacteria without the need of any chemicals. 

With the combined experience with multiple partners from multiple countries our system can easily convert your current pool into a freshwater pool, after being sanitation by our NatureSwim™ freshwater pool system, the water is clean enough to pass most of the world’s drinking water standards. It’s time to make a change and move away from your swimming pool being harmful to your family, pets and wildlife who might accidentally drink from your chemical cocktail pool.

This is one of the most astounding projects we’ve ever worked on, that also provided us with phenomenal results and satisfaction for us, our partners and our customers. This revolutionary breakthrough in the freshwater pool market ensures that our customers can enjoy the satisfaction of a freshwater pool system, and also be a proud owner without having to worry about chemicals again.

This proves that when great minds are put together anything can be accomplished to create a more sustainable, safer, chemical-free, freshwater pool system.

Want to know more about our NatureSwim™ freshwater pool system? Click here to find out more about the benefits of a freshwater pool system. It’s PURE & SIMPLE.


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